Annual Catalog Kick-Off!

Did you miss the Annual Catalog Kick-off Facebook party on Friday, June 5th? Well, it’s your lucky day! I have decided to keep the party open for a few more days since it appears that a bunch of people had trouble accessing the party Friday night.

You still have time to participate and earn tickets to be entered into the prize bucket. All you need to do is “engage” with my posts. Write a comment. Easy peasy!

The way you get to the party is to click here. This will take you to my Facebook Page.
Click on “Events” in the sidebar;
Click on “Past Events”; and
Scroll down to “Recent Posts”. You will see the last post of the party first — scroll down until you see the first post.

You will see some new products, answer a few silly questions and hopefully have fun! There also will be a chance to place an order using a special hostess code. The code is: NRXVCQTB.

If you do not have a demonstrator and would like a catalog, send me a note and I will be happy to get one in the mail for you! Happy stamping!

